I've been to a few shows lately:
- July 18th: W A R P E D ! T O U R @ Nassau Coliseum
- July 21st: The Cab, A Rocket To The Moon, The Summer Set, Eye Alaska, My Favorite Highway @ The Crazy Donkey
>>I got there a little late and missed the very beginning of My Favorite Highway's set, but luckily I only missed a song. This was the first time I'd ever seen them live, and they were just amazing. I loved how when they performed "Bigger Than Love", the crowd got really into it."Say So" is so catchy everyone was moving around & having fun. >>Eye Alaska played next, and to be honest I wasn't really focused on their set. They didn't really catch my attention until they played "Walk Like A Gentleman", the only song by them I'd heard before. They seemed pretty good, but I'd suggest looking them up on MySpace or something to see for yourselves. >>Like a lot of bands I've fallen in love with lately, The Summer Set was a group I'd heard OF, I'd just never heard anything BY them. They grabbed my attention from the start, and everyone was really into their set. I don't remember which specific songs they played, considering I'm still not really familiar with them haha, but I know they played "Chelsea" & a hardcore cover of "Love In This Club." Just another reason they're so awesome ahahah. OH, did I mention their drummer is a girl?! Super badass. I met Jess (drums) & Brian (vocals) after they played, they're both really nice & fun to be around. By talking to Brian, and getting a picture with him, I kind of started a mini-mob.. so um, sorry about that... Anyway, I bought their ...In Color EP, and I highly suggest you do the same :] >>And of course, I only went to this concert to see A Rocket To The Moon <3 style="font-weight: bold;">Greetings From.. EP, and a new song that I didn't catch the name of :\ Apparently they've been playing it on this tour, and on Warped too. I had to leave before I could see them after the show :[ Next time boys, next time. >>The Cab was also ridiculously good. They played some of my favorites, like "Risky Business", "High Hopes in Velvet Ropes", "Take My Hand", "That 70's Song", and more. I had to leave while they were playing "One of Those Nights" :\ At least this wasn't the first time I'd seen them live. While we're talking about The Cab, check out their video for the "Take My Hand" remix from the Lady Luck EP, featuring Cassadee Pope of Hey Monday!
- Take My Hand (Remix)
- July 26th: This Condition, Set In Color,
Holden PanAs A Gift, & more @ the St. Pius Fair (Plainview, NY) - July 29th: The Reserve (acoustic show) @ Tobay Beach
All of these were amazing, especially the last two because
concerts in the rain are always insane <3>
concerts in the rain are always insane <3>
ahhh i wanted to go to warped tour. And i would love to see The Cab in concert too!! Love the video..thanks for posting it.
Warped was great, I'm posting a legit review later haha.
& thank you for the feedback :]
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