Saturday, May 22, 2010

Interview: Score 24

>> 'I'm Happy To Say That' I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Score 24, some fellow Long Islanders who like to party. They have some interesting nicknames and would love to tour as much as possible. Read the interview, & be sure to check out Score 24 next time they come to a venue near you :)

Introduce yourselves.

- Rob Fox, vocals.
- Paul Ruess, vocals & guitar
- Joe Fox, vocals & guitar

- Tom Angenbroich, bass
- Ryan Linzer, drums

What are some of your earliest memories that made you want to get into music?
- A big influence for the members of this band to pick up instruments was Blink-182. Their music was influential enough to bring all the members together to follow their own dreams.

How did you guys get together to form this band?
- Paul started the band four score & seven years ago. He knew Joey from
high school & boy scouts, and they started playing together. Shortly after, Joey's older brother, Rob, joined the band as bassist. After some problems with the drummer, Ryan came into the picture as a friend from high school as well, and they went on for a little while as a four-piece. Meeting Tom through his previous bands, and as a local show promoter, Tom joined the band about a year ago, moving Rob to the front of the stage, and becoming a five-piece.

How long has the band been together?
- The band started about three years ago, but with the current line
up it's been about a year.

If you met someone who had never heard your music, what would you say to make them want to listen to it?
- It's a fun, catchy sound that people can listen too and enjo
y and dance around too. We like to get everyone involved and into it at shows, and they love to react to us.

I personally love the “I'm Happy To Say That...” EP. How would you compare that to your newer songs?
- Our newer songs are a lot more poppier, less of a Blink-182 feel, and kind of mashing that pop-punk edge with the poppy sounds of acts similar to All Time Low & The
Starting Line.

Who are some of your biggest influences?
- A lot of old-school punk rock, such as Blink-182, Sum 41, Green
Day, and of course our families, friends and anyone else who has supported us through out the years.

What's your opinion of the music scene here on Long Island?
- It's struggling. There are so many bands in this scene, all shooting for the same goal, and the people who attend shows aren't the same anymore. People come to se
e one specific band and then leave. We're one of the few bands trying to turn that around, to when the Long Island scene was at it's peak.

Describe your experience of playing at this year's Bamboozle Festival in East Rutherford, NJ.
- It was incredible! An overwhelming amount of people showed up, and we are forever grateful for that. It made us feel really good inside, that on a festival filled with so many amazing bands, people took the time out of their schedule to stand in the scorching hot Meadowlands parking lot and watch us tear up the stage.

What do you consider your biggest accomplishment so far as a band?

- Bamboozle 2010, Van's Warped Tour 2009, and earning the love and support of all our friends, fans & families.

What are some of your goals for the band?

- We'd like to tour as much as possible, non-stop if possible, continue to release lots of music that our fans love to listen too, and of course, we'd like to have the support
of a label as well.

Do you have any shows coming up?
- All of our confirmed tour dates are always up right away on our myspace,

Who would you love to tour with someday?
- I'd love to tour with bands like Blink-182, All Time Low, Sum 41 etc.

How do you guys find new music to listen to?
- We search a lot on MySpace & Purevolume, and through bands that we always play with on the road. There are some bands out there that nobody knows about, that have a lot of talent.

What have you been listening to a lot lately?
- We all currently listen to different genres, which cover pretty much about all types of music. It's cool to mash all of our different styles into our songs.

Is there a song or artist you consider a guilty pleasure?
- There's too many to name, haha.

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go & what would you do there?
- Europe! Because it's amazing there! And everyone goes crazy for
American boys!

Bonus Round:

Song to play live?
- Rob: Wake Up, Baby
- Paul: She's A Good Girl (music video)
- Joe: Let's Go Sailing

- Tom: She's A Good Girl
- Ryan: She's A Good Girl
- Rob: I'm Happy to Say That
- Paul: It's Contagious
- Joe: It's Contagious
- Tom: It's Contagious
- Ryan: It's Contagious
Thing to do on a Friday night?
- Rob: Play a show then party.
- Paul: Play a show then party.
- Joe: Play a show then party.
- Tom: Play a show then party.
- Ryan: Play a show then party.
Place on Long Island?
- Rob: My Bedroom
- Paul: Taco Joe's
- Joe: Front Street Pizzeria
- Tom: All-American Burger
- Ryan: Taco Joe's

This or that:
Coke or Pepsi?
- Rob: Coke
- Paul: Coke
- Joe: Coke

- Tom: Pepsi
- Ryan: Coke

Boxers or Briefs?
- Rob: Boxer-briefs
- Paul: Boxer-briefs
- Joe: Boxer-briefs

- Tom: Boxers
- Ryan: Boxer-briefs
The Crazy Donkey or The Vibe Lounge?
- Rob: Vibe Lounge
- Paul: Crazy Donkey

- Joe: Vibe Lounge
- Tom: Vibe Lounge

- Ryan: Crazy Donkey

Behind The Scenes:
What else should we know?
- We're a crazy family of five life-long friends who love to party and get down. We're too much for most of you to handle ;)
- Rob: 21
- Paul: 19

- Joe: 18
- Tom: 20

- Ryan: 17
Pet peeves?
- Rob: Hate being called "kid"
- Paul: When people mess up your food order

- Joe: People touching me
- Tom: Persistent people

- Ryan: Snoring
- Rob: Rob Da Nudist
- Paul: Rockin' Ruessy

- Joe: Joe Foxy
- Tom: Tommy, Scene Kid

- Ryan: RyRy

Members Only: In the band, who is:
Funniest? Paul
Craziest on stage? Rob
The biggest flirt? Tom
Best dressed? Joe

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