Thursday, July 1, 2010

I Want Your Opinion: The 2010 Bamboozle Roadshow

Hey guys! I need your input.

>> One of the main things I do on this site is concert reviews. I don’t know if anyone remembers, but I posted some fan submissions with my review of the 2009 Vans Warped Tour. Basically, I asked anyone who attended any date of the tour to send me their response. All I wanted was to know their opinion on the line-up, the crowds, basically anything about the date & venue they attended. They could have sent a sentence, a paragraph, an essay- whatever they wanted, and I would’ve posted it.

>> Well, I want to do this again. I’ll ask about Warped Tour responses in a few weeks. For now, I’d love to see your thoughts on the 2010 Bamboozle Roadshow. Again, all you’d have to do is send me your thoughts on the date you attended- who you saw, who was good/bad, what you liked/disliked, & anything else you’d like to add. I’d really appreciate it if you guys could send me some responses :)

>> Email anything you’d like me to post to

Thank you so much! Remember, all of these will be posted with my review on this website :D

Can’t wait to read your responses!

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