Thursday, November 11, 2010

Songs that Restore My Faith in The Radio

>> I hate to say it, but at times I can be one of those people who complains about the songs played on most radio stations. You know, the people who are always saying that they hate listening to the radio because all you hear is the same 5 songs over & over again, and most of them are about drugs, sex, money, or d) all of the above. I admit that most of the time these complaints are more annoying than the songs or radio stations they're directed at. I don't actually hate the radio, I still listen to it everyday (especially Sirius/XM). Recently, I've heard a couple of songs on the radio (and MTV) that I've really fallen in love with. Here's a list of songs & videos that deserve to be played over and over again.

1) "What If" by Jason Derulo
> I've always been interested in the idea of one decision can completely change a series of events in a person's life (which probably explains why I love Back To The Future as much as I do). This video is all about that, and the different possibilities or outcomes we might not even see coming. It's a great song, and you can get the What If EP featuring this song, a couple of remixes, and the video on iTunes now for only $3.99.

2) "Firework" by Katy Perry
> This song is truly beautiful for a number of reasons. Its message is that there is something special about each of us, even if we can't see it at first. We all have something that sets us apart and we shouldn't be afraid to embrace it. The video features people in all different situations who share a lack of self-confidence, but in the end they all come together to celebrate what makes them unique.

3) "Only Girl (In The World)" by Rihanna
> Not only will this song get stuck in your head for days, but the video also really catches your attention (and not just because of Rihanna's outfits). The colors used in the video are incredibly beautiful, and the whole thing has a great space-y feel to it.

4) "Raise Your Glass" by Pink
> Pink is known for not giving a damn about what people think of her, and that's clearly demonstrated in a number of her songs. This song in particular is encouraging others to do the same, and to embrace what makes them different. That's a great message to send out, and of course, Pink uses comedy to get the point across in the video. The song and the video make up a tribute to individuality and self-confidence, two traits that have helped Pink gain and maintain the popularity she has over the years. In all honesty, this is one of my favorite songs at the moment. I'm really glad to see songs like this and "Fireworks" being written and played on radio stations around the nation.

5) "Maybe" by Sick Puppies
> I haven't heard this song on the radio, but I did happen to catch it being played on MTV earlier today. I've liked this band for a while now, but not just for their music. I signed up for their newsletter a while back and I'm really glad I did. They send out emails on occasion, maybe once or twice a month updating fans on what's going on with the band. In addition to updates, they also include a story about something that happened to one of the band members, ranging anywhere from a realization to dealing with an annoying person on an airplane. There's always a reason behind each of these stories, and it shows that the band members are more than just musicians- they're people with dreams, determination, and a strong bond that can't be broken. This song reflects the quality of the band that wrote it. The song itself is about how we might be misunderstood or judged by those around us, but that shouldn't be what stops us from doing what we love. We should never stop dreaming, sometimes change is good, and it's okay to ask for help. Their song "Odd One" is also worth looking into.

*Bonus: "Just The Way You Are" by Bruno Mars
> This one's pretty self-explanatory, and completely adorable.

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