Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Interview: Kelsey

>> It all started at the 2008 Bamboozle Festival. One of the CD samplers I picked up that day included a great rock song called "Wrapped Around Your Finger" by Kelsey Merritt. I couldn't find more by this artist, and I eventually gave up. A few months later, I got a friend request from Kelsey and The Chaos on MySpace. I went to check out the band, and I heard a familiar song called "Wrapped Around Your Finger". After starting a correspondence and inadvertently running into each other at the 2009 Vans Warped Tour, I was glad to say that I had another talented artist on my side. Since then, Kelsey has left the 'Chaos' behind to make music on her own, and she has big plans for her future.

Introduce yourself.
Kelsey. 22 years young. I am from Marco Island, FL.. Currently live in NYC. I'm Obsessed with coffee and cute dresses.

What kind of music did you grow up listening to?
Led Zeppelin, The Beach Boys, Andy Williams, Frank Sinatra. Dr. Dre. Snoop Dogg. The Cars.

What made you decide to start making music?
Listening to my favorite songs and wanting to create something that people could listen to and love.

How did your experience as Kelsey and the Chaos help you grow as an artist?
I made mistakes that I learned from. I figured out a lot about how to deal with people. I also learned a lot about the business. I honed my skills as a stage performer, songwriter and musician.

How did your collaboration with Tru Fam come about?
I met these guys more or less on the internet! How's that for technology? I asked them to be a part of the project and we started making music!

Can we expect any other collaborations in the future?
Plenty more. This is something I want to do a lot more of now that I am a solo artist.

What's different about making music on your own, without the 'Chaos'?
It's a lot different. Its easier and harder all at the same time. Easier because I get to make all of my own decisions and trust my own instincts. However, without my band mates, it's a little more lonely!

What are some of the problems you have faced so far as an artist?
Just trying to figure out who I am as an artist. With genres/styles and types of popular music changing with the wind... it can be hard to figure out who you want to be and what you want to represent.

What motivates you to keep going when times get tough?
The future. I believe that only the strong survive. I keep motivated by knowing that hard work combined with perseverance and discipline ALWAYS pays off. Or so my parents say! I try to stay in the moment... the here and now. It is all we really have!

What else do you have planned for 2011?
I'm going to write a record and create a show that I can be proud to put my stamp on. I'm going to take my show on the road and have a reunion with my fans and fans of Kelsey and the Chaos. It will be SO good to see ya'll again.

Is there anything else you would like to say?
I love The Music Obsession and I want to marry Jared Leto. Thanks

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