Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Patent Pending Launch Kickstarter Campaign

>> My friends in Patent Pending, like many others out there, are facing some financial troubles. In order to fund their next album, the band has initiated a Kickstarter, and are asking for your help. Basically, the band is asking for donations, and you will receive prizes in exchange for all donations above $1. Rewards include downloads, copies of the new CD, exclusive t-shirts, posters, and more. The more money you pledge, the more you are rewarded.

>> Please help them out! Even if you don't donate, spreading the word would be more helpful than you could imagine. Take a few minutes and tell a friend. If we work together, we can save a band that has greatly influenced so many people over the years, myself included. I just made my donation, so now it's your turn. This kickstarter has a deadline of March 31st, so please donate, tell a friend, or both :)

Click here and watch the video below for more information.

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