Thursday, April 28, 2011

Tarcy Thomason and Joe Westbrook Leave Artist Vs. Poet

>> It was confirmed today that Tarcy Thomason and Joe Westbrook have decided to leave Artist Vs. Poet. The band has released both a video update and a written statement regarding their future. You can see both below, or by clicking here.

To all of our friends and family,
We would like to inform you that Tarcy Thomason and Joe Westbrook have decided to leave Artist Vs Poet. Tarcy has a wife and son which he would like to be closer with and for that reason he has decided to no longer be a part of the band and Joe Westbrook has decided to pursue college and a career in film.
Artist Vs Poet is NOT BREAKING UP
The band will be continued on by Joe Kirkland, myself (Jason Dean), and Dylan Stevens. Joe will now be playing guitar and also singing lead vocals, Jason will still be playing bass guitar and failing as usual, and we are now welcoming our newest member Dylan as guitarist and singer.
Joe K and I realize that the departure of Tarcy and Joe W may come as a shock to some of you and let us assure you it was a shock to us. These were two events that were completely out of our control. We began to look back on all the years and all the support and love we have received from every single one of you and we decided that we were in no way done with Artist Vs Poet.
We would like to say thank you to everyone who has supported us in the past and we could not say THANK YOU enough to everyone who continues to support us with this new line up.
New things to come soon!
Love you all,
Artist Vs Poet
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