Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Going to the Fearless Friends Tour? You can win a Zune & merch from the bands!

>> The first ever Fearless Friends Tour started today. It features Mayday Parade, Breathe Carolina, Every Avenue, Artist Vs Poet, and Go Radio. (Click here for tour dates.) If you're attending, you could win a Zune and merch from the bands!

Contest Info:

Fearless Records wants to check out your band photography skills! In celebration of the first Fearless Friends Tour we're having a WEEKLY contest for you guys - the fans.

To Enter:
1. While at the show take a live photo of any of the Fearless Friends bands
2. RSVP to this event
3. Comment on this event wall w/ the following info: 'BAND' @ the Fearless Friends Tour in 'CITY NAME'
4. Upload your photo to your comment
5. Share this event with your friends

Lost? Check the first comment on the event page - that's how yours should look!

Weekly Winner: FEARLESS FRIENDS PRIZE PACK (CDs from all Fearless Friends Tour and autographed merch + Tshirt from an artist of your choice)

>> Winners will be chosen every week and the Grand Prize Winner will be chosen on November 30th, so get your submissions in quickly to improve your chances of winning!

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