Introduce yourselves.
Cameron, 20, vocals; Garrett, 19, guitar; Tyler, 17, bass; Mark, 19, drums.
What are some of your earliest memories that made you want to get into music?
I, personally, have always been surrounded by music in one way or another. My grandfather got me into the beach boys and the Beatles when i was about four years old and I've been obsessed with music ever since.Who are some of your biggest influences?
We're all into bands like The Rocket Summer, Parachute, and Third Eye Blind.How long has the band been together?
We started playing together in April, but Cameron and Garrett have been making music together for years.Who named the band? Is there a meaning behind the name you chose?
Garrett and Cameron named the band, back in 2008 when the idea of Brighterside came to be. All you hear about in the news is the bad stuff. We like to think that no matter how bad things get, you can always look on the bright side.If you met someone who had never heard your music, what would you say to make them want to listen to it?
We'd probably ask them what kind of music they're into, tell them what bands we're into, and if they still aren't sold on the idea, we'd probably offer them some sort of bribe.What do you consider your biggest accomplishment so far as a band?
We've done a lot of cool stuff since we started in April. We were fortunate enough to play on the Vans Warped Tour this summer and that was a great time. But every show is an accomplishment and we love hanging out with fans, so come see us!What are some of your goals for the band?
We hope to start touring full time next year. The goal so far has been to be able to support ourselves on the road, doing this full time, we're hoping to achieve that sooner than later!Do you have any shows coming up?
Yes! November 13th we are doing a CD Release show at the Middle East in Boston, MA. It's gonna be a great night with tons of surprises so come hang out!I really love your new song “Holding On.” What was the inspiration behind it?
Holding On is about being with a girl that you really like and having to deal with her going away to college and still trying to make it work and worrying about whether or not it will work out in the long run.Who would you love to tour with someday?
We would love to tour with The Rocket Summer or Parachute. Either one would be insane!How do you guys find new music to listen to?
We all usually depend on each other for new music. But I'm always on absolute punk and purevolume and will listen to whatever they tell me is good, haha.
What have you been listening to a lot lately?
We've all been listening to Parachute's "Losing Sleep". It's a great album and you should definitely check it out!
What are your plans for the rest of 2010?
Right now, we're locked up in the practice space writing tons of new music. We'll be in the studio for the entire month of December recording our first Full Length record!
How can fans get in touch with you, or listen to your music?
Is there anything else you want to say?
We just want to thank The Music Obsession for the interview! Check out our new EP, A Way With Words on October 26th!
Bonus Round:
Song to play live? Holding On
Album? The Rocket Summer - Of Men And Angels
Thing to do on a Friday night? Hang out with friends!
TV Show? We all love family guy. We quote it way too much!
This or that:
Europe or Jamaica? Europe
Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi
Electric or Acoustic? Electric
Calling or Texting? Texting
Behind The Scenes: What else should we know?
What are some of your biggest pet peeves? Breaking strings! Cam breaks a string almost every show!
If you were stranded on a deserted island, what one thing would you want to bring with you? Lot's of canned foods.
Do you have any nicknames? Unfortunately no. :( Make some up for us!
Members Only: In the band, who is
Most organized? Cameron
Funniest? Garrett
The biggest flirt? Mark
Most creative? Garrett
Craziest on stage? Tyler

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