Sunday, March 22, 2009

New Addition: TMO on Twittuhhh

>I've had a twitter for a while now, but I decided that it might be a good idea to get one for the site, so that I can post quick updates there if I can't get to updating the actual site. No idea what Twitter even is? It's like your status on Facebook or MySpace, except that's pretty much it. Not impressed? You can keep up with your favorite artists, bands, record labels, or celebrities in general. You can comment on someone's 'tweet', or message them directly if you don't want everyone & their mother seeing what you're sending. Others who are just as addicted to Twitter as I am: Mark Hoppus, William Beckett, Pete Wentz, Gabe Saporta, Nick Santino, Anarbor, Glamour Kills, Fearless Records, Fueled By Ramen, Alternative Press, Taylor Swift, Demi Lovato, and so many more. It's really a great way for fans to feel connected to their favorites, whether you follow bands or actors, or whatever. Here are the links to My Personal Twitter & The Site's Account. Make your account & start followingggg.

I couldn't fit the "-on" because it was too long, so that's the name. So far I've really only posted the songs I've been listening to, or the bands I've had stuck in my head. I've had 2 artists of the day so far: Yesterday's was Hey Monday & Today's is Cute Is What We Aim For.

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